There is never a bad phase that remains intact all through your life, there are darker days, then there are good days as well. You always have a brighter day and there is always a good side across the tunnel. You just have to be steadfast, perseverant and focused because nothing of great worth ever comes easy. You have to struggle for a living and things cannot always be offered to you in a gold platter.
Be a graceful professional who chooses all the legit ways to prove his potential, who no matter how many time falls down but he gets up and fights for his living. Survival today is not only about shelter, bread and butter but beyond than that. You have to keep a stance of your own, and your potential should reflect in the work that you do for a living. Artists, musicians, painters, even cook always think before they practice it. Make mind maps, make plans, make your own ideology and prove your philosophy with authenticity.
Designers are no less than those artists who invest straight 8 to 10 hours on a painting. It takes great creativity to make a masterpiece. It is said, it is not always mandatory that a complete piece of art makes up a masterpiece sometimes it includes all the ways and struggle that gets you there. Just have confidence in whatever you do, and let the success of yours make a wider roar.
Well now let us talk about our post of today which is highlighting 130 HQ social media buntings. Social media icons are like those important ingredients without which grabbing people’s attention are not a child’s play. You can always keep your audiences and readers intact through social networking sites. So choose the best social media icons that suit the entire theme, background and feel of your blog. The icons/buntings that do not look odd to the stance of the blog are recommended.
Have a look at these and make us know what more shall we unfold in the coming days to feed you design need. Here we go!
130 HQ Social Media Buntings | Chrispy 512 Px PNGs
File format: PNGs + Vector Illustrator Ai File (can easily be edited, scaled to any size)
Version Includes: 512 px PNGs
Premium Version Includes: 512 Px PNGs & Crispy Ai File
License: Included in the icon set
Following icons are included in this icon set:
- 1x Icon
- 500 px Icon
- Aim App Icon
- Aim Icon
- Amazon Icon
- Android Icon
- Aol Icon
- Apple App Store Icon
- Apple Icon
- Arto Icon
- Ask Icon
- AWS Icon
- Baidu Icon
- Basecamp Icon
- Bebo Icon
- Behance Icon
- Bing Icon
- Blinklist Icon
- Blip Icon
- Blogger Icon
- Bloglovin Icon
- Bnter Icon
- Buddypress Icon
- Carbonmade Icon
- Cloud App Icon
- Coroflot Icon
- Delicious Icon
- Designbump Icon
- Designfloat Icon
- Designmoo Icon
- Deviantart Icon
- Digg Icon
- Diigo Icon
- Dopplr Icon
- Dribbble Icon
- Dropbox Icon
- Dropbox Icon
- Dzone Icon
- Edmodo Icon
- Email Icon
- Enveto Icon
- Etsy Icon
- Evernote Icon
- Facebook Icon
- Flickr Icon
- Flukle Icon
- Formspring Icon
- Forrst Icon
- Foursquare Icon
- Frendster Icon
- Friendfeed Icon
- Fresqui Icon
- Friendster Icon
- Gamespot Icon
- Github Icon
- Goodreads Icon
- Google Drive Icon
- Google Plus Icon
- Google Play Store Icon
- Grooveshark Icon
- Houzz Icon
- Hyves Icon
- HTML3 Icon
- Hi5 Icon
- ICQ Icon
- Icon
- Instagram Icon
- Instapaper Icon
- iTunes Icon
- Kik Icon
- Lastfm Icon
- Linkedin Icon
- Livejournal Icon
- Metacafe Icon
- Myspace Icon
- Netvibes Icon
- Newsvine Icon
- Ning IconOrkut Icon
- Odnoklassniki Ok Icon
- Pandora Icon
- Path Icon
- Photobucket Icon
- Picasa Icon
- Pinterest Icon
- Plaxo Icon
- Plurk Icon
- Posterous Icon
- Qik Icon
- Quora Icon
- Ravelery Icon
- Redbubble Icon
- Reddit Icon
- ReverbNation Icon
- RSS Icon
- Share Icon
- Skype Icon
- Slashdot Icon
- Slideshare
- SmugMug Icon
- Society Icon
- Soundcloud Icon
- Specificfeeds Icon
- Spotify Icon
- Spring Me Icon
- Squarespace Icon
- Squidoo Icon
- StumbleUpon Icon
- Technorati Icon
- Tout Icon
- Tribenet Icon
- Tumblr Icon
- Twitter Icon
- Twylah Icon
- Ustream Icon
- Viddlr Icon
- Vimeo Icon
- Vine Icon
- WordPress Icon
- VK Icon
- Weheartit Icon
- Weibo Icon
- Windows Store Icon
- Xanga Icon
- Xing Icon
- Yahoo Icon
- Yelp Icon
- YouTube Icon